What’s in Bloom Now? Garden Updates October 1- 7


By Thea Hegland

There is no end to the beauty at The Gardens. It is simply evolving; the garden doesn’t just disappear after summer – it changes and delivers a new season of transforming beauty. Autumn is a star in its own right, incomparable to summer really; just as breathtaking, this soul inspiring journey amongst the impressive arboreta will instill an unforgettable experience.

The big question these days is “When is the best time to visit to see the autumn colours?” That is a great question! The exact peak of the autumn colours is variable; as the weather begins to cool, the days grow shorter and the nights are getting long, chlorophyll in the leaves begins to break down. This allows the carotenoids to show through, delivering orange and yellow hues on the leaves. The vibrant reds derive from anthocyanin.

The leaves on the trees in the background subtly changing colour

All this just intensifies as the month of October progresses. The simple fact is the trees are gorgeous now, there is great colour and each day is getting closer to the peak of the season. The long-term forecast indicates many days of sunshine along with steady cool weather, both which are essential in establishing a magnificent fall palette on the trees. I cannot imagine the trees in our gorgeous grounds getting any more colour but they can, they will and they are!

From the moment you arrive to The Gardens, fall fever is in the air. The deciduous trees alone in the Parking Grounds showcase a range of fall colour, offering a tease of what lies ahead. Highlights include the mesmerizing Dahlia border and the ever-elegant Japanese maples. The impressive collection of Acer palmatumn (Japanese maple) spanning over 100 years includes some very well-known varieties and plenty of mystery. Regardless of exact botany, the simplicity of these trees is beautiful and graceful.

One of the magnificent Dahlias

The festive fall displays throughout the property bring fresh excitement. The use of old garden artifacts, a fantastic mix of pumpkins and gourds and fall flowering plants, make these displays a seasonal highlight and become a beloved tradition during the month of October for visitors and staff alike.

All of the Pumpkins and Gourds on display are grown on our compost field

So really, the answer to the big question is rather simple. It is gorgeous now and it can only get better!

Plants that are currently blooming
  • Achillea
  • Aconitum (Monkshood)
  • Arum italicum (Lords and ladies)
  • Aster (Michaelmas daisy)
  • Begonia
  • Chrysanthemum
  • Clerodendrum bungei (Glory bower)
  • Clerodendrum trichotomum (Glory bower)
  • Colchicum (Autumn crocus)
  • Cosmos atrosanguineus(Chocolate cosmos)
  • Dahlia
  • Echinacea (Coneflower)
  • Fuchsia
  • Helenium (Sneezeweed)
  • Helianthus (Perennial sunflower)
  • Heptacodium miconioides (Seven–son flower)
  • Hibiscus syriacus ‘Blue Bird’
  • Hydrangea
  • Lespedeza (Bush clover)
  • Lobelia speciosa
  • Punica (Pomegranate)
  • Rosa (Rose)
  • Rudbeckia (Gloriosa daisy)
  • Tibouchina (Glory bush)
  • Verbena
  • Zauschneria (California fuchsia)
  • Zinnia